
Time to have some FUN with some maths jokes !
posted at Wednesday, 27 February 2013 , 03:53

Mathematics  Jokes

The acorn

Q. What did the mathematical acorn say when it grew up?
A. Gee I'm a tree (Geometry).


Q: What do you get if you divide the circumference of a jack-o-lantern by its diameter?
A: Pumpkin Pi

Mathematicians at the beach

Q: Why do you rarely find mathematicians spending time at the beach?
A: Because they have sine and cosine to get a tan and don't need the sun

Zero said to eight

Q: What does the zero say to the the eight?
A: Nice belt!

A cat has nine tails

Q. How can you prove that a cat has nine tails?
A. No cat has eight tails. Since one cat has one more tail than no cat, it must have nine tails


New York (CNN). At John F. Kennedy International Airport today, a Caucasian male (later discovered to be a high school mathematics teacher) was arrested trying to board a flight while in possession of a compass, a protractor and a graphical calculator.
According to law enforcement officials, he is believed to have ties to the Al-Gebra network. He will be charged with carrying weapons of Maths instruction


Q: What does the little mermaid wear?
A: An algae-bra.


Q. Why is the number six scared of seven?
A. Because seven eight nine (7 ate 9)!

Crushed Angle

Q. What do you call a crushed angle? A. A rectangle!

No homework

Pupil: Would you punish me for something I haven't done?
Teacher: Of course not.
Pupil: That's good because I haven't done my homework!

Dog with a bad foot

Q. Why is a dog with a bad foot like adding 6 and 7?
A. Because he puts down three and carries the one.


Q. Why are misers good Maths Teachers?
A. Because they know how to make every penny count!.


Q. Why are powers like fish?
A. Because they're all indices (in the seas!)

How many times?

Q: how many times can you subtract 7 from 83, and what is left afterwards?
A: I can subtract it as many times as I want, and it leaves 76 every time.

Sad Textbook

Q. Why did the Maths textbook look so sad?
A. Because it had so many problems!

Three types of people

There are three types of people in the world, those who can count and those who can't.

Hot corner

If it is cold, go and stand in the corner, because it is 90 degrees there.
